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Security audit is a comprehensive solution in the field of business security that in essence is a versatile study of the state of business security to identify external and internal threats. Knowledge of the main vulnerabilities of the company’s security system allows it to identify and, if possible, eliminate existing threats in time without waiting for the negative consequences to appear.

Who requires a security audit and why?

The main task of a security audit is to assess the security situation of the company, identify existing deficiencies, and to take measures to eliminate them. A security audit is necessary so that the owner of the company and the management can see the true state of affairs in the field of business security in a calm environment, without any real threat, in particular:

  • Comprehensive analysis and assessment of the company’s security
  • Assessment of the organization’s own risks arising from business activities (most former USSR companies always have to keep the balance on the edge of the law in order to be both effective and to stay in the market).
  • Assessment of possible consequences of illegal actions of third parties or force majeure (for example theft of documents or computers, arson, destruction of property, etc.)

Main Divisions and Content of Security Audit
The overall business security review consists of an assessment of the situation of each individual risk group. In practice, it is not uncommon for a company perfectly protected from external risks to become a victim of internal risks, such as a former employee (offended manager, accountant, system administrator) taking away or destroying important information in his or her possession when they leave. We identify the following risk groups that should be assessed during the Company’s security audit.

Risk groups:

        • Informational and technological risks
        • Reputation risks (risk of losing business image)
        • Legal and administrative risks
        • Intra-corporate risks
        • Financial risks.

In accordance with the above criteria, our assessment allows us to see the real state of affairs in the field of business security, to develop and to take preventive measures to eliminate or reduce the identified risks. Based on the results of the security audit, practical recommendations are given to the company’s security system to curb external and internal threats.

It should be noted that the assessment of risks and their possible consequences is carried out from a practical point of view, taking into account the juridical practice of our specialists and our own experience in resolving numerous conflicts.

We know how to protect your business and prepare it for emergencies.